Sun Nov 13 19:44:25 PST 1994

Alioto comes to aid of Italian seniors

She responds to fears at North Beach hotel

By Gerald D. Adams
Special to the Free Press

SAN FRANCISCO -- After hearing anguished tales from elderly Italian Americans facing eviction from their North Beach residence, Supervisor Angela Alioto is proposing regulations that might help them stay.

The 42 tenants of Casa Costanzo, a senior citizens hotel atop Fior d'Italia Restaurant, were told last month they must vacate in 30 days. The eviction has been temporarily delayed. But Alioto hopes to assist residents of Casa Costanzo and as many as 20 other senior housing facilities that receive publicly funded social services. Under her plan, the city would establish a 4 percent yearly cap on rent increases and require landlords to pay $3,000 to each resident over age 65 in case of eviction.

"You should not put that much pressure on the aged," Alioto said, arguing that fear of eviction can create severe health problems among the frail elderly.

At a supervisors' hearing last week, 86-year-old Maria Denurra testified in Italian as Alioto translated.

Bent over, her hands shaking, Denurra said that since a fall four years ago she cannot cook, is fearful and is in "no condition to move."

Another tenant was quoted by Alioto as saying, "You take my home away from me, you kill me."

La Carina, the nonprofit corporation that operates Casa Costanzo, told residents it can no longer afford to maintain the 15-year-old facility, tenant spokesman Renato Moretti said. "They told us bluntly we had to leave, that they are not interested in running Casa Costanzo as a hotel for anybody," he told supervisors.

Fred Campagnoli Sr., attorney for La Carina, said he would not comment on Alioto's proposal.

"There's still nothing to prevent a group from going out of business," he said.

Others have rallied to the residents' side.

Bob Tibbits, president of the Telegraph Hill Dwellers, an influential neighborhood organization, said neighbors believe the building's owners want to turn Casa Costanzo into a high-priced inn.

The Board of Supervisors' Housing and Land Use Committee will consider the Alioto plan Nov. 17.

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